If you could become the person you dreamt to be, or at least someone who would function in harmony with the world around you instead of bumping into it, would you be tempted?

Whether it's a dream or a necessity for you, the people of Cori, a type IV planet in the Omega 9 galaxy, can help you. Indeed, the Coriphes have psychic powers that allow them to durably modify one’s spirit and personality.

Identities is a science-fiction LARP in which aliens of humanoid appearance from various planets are gathered for a very special experiment. It is in this context that your characters will integrate a session of the mysterious and expensive Cure. How does this Cure work? Your characters know almost nothing. They arrived in the center the previous evening and briefly introduced themselves before getting some rest. The LARP itself begins in the morning, during the first activity related to the Cure. These activities will be repeated in a rather monotonous way, the goal being to transform the personalities of the characters in small increments, gradually modifying their reactions to a limited number of exercises. Alien artifacts will also be used. During the individual final scenes, each character will play the conclusion of their own story, happening elsewhere and in a near future.

Repetitive activities do not mean you'll be bored. This LARP offers strong roles, emotions and questionings. One does not intend to give up a part of their personality without reason.

Friendship, fidelity, idealism, love, duty, revenge, despair .... What is the price of your identity? Is it ethical to sacrifice who you are if you do it by your own free will? Is it better to be modified with insidious softness or pain, whether physical or psychological? Since we are asking some questions, how do you define identity? Would a personality remodeled according to your wishes make you less real, less free?


This is not an adventure LARP!

By reading the quick descriptions of the ten characters you may feel that the goal will be to escape heroically, because most of the stories that led the characters to the Cure are painful, even revolting: giving up who one is is often a sacrifice.

However, if you hope to lead a violent revolt or organize an escape you will be bitterly disappointed. No one is a prisoner: to leave, all your character has to do is to cross the threshold of the door, knowing that this extreme decision would have an impact not only on their future but also on the effect of the Cure on the group’s other members. The Cure functions partly thanks to the psychic union of several personalities, each refractory spirit would weaken this link and could have an impact on the general success of the treatment.

A form of pressure will weigh on each of the characters from their peers. Keep in mind that you, the performers, will be perfectly free to leave if you wish: this decision may change something for the characters, but it will simply offer new branches to their stories, which is just as interesting as if your character stayed.

It is quite possible that eventually the treatment doesn’t work on your character. This decision will be entirely in your hands, depending on what you think will be their motivation or resistance, as well as the impact of the rest of the group. Unless if your character leaves the Cure early, this will be played during the conclusion scene, even if the pressure will rise gradually during the LARP.


So that you keep a maximum of control over what could happen to you during the LARP, several rules and meta techniques will be implemented.

* The basic rule here is that the story is never more important than the performers. At any time you will be free to leave the space, for a short time or definitively. There will be a dedicated safe space on site, some people to talk to, as well as food, drink and a cosy place to get some rest.

* We will implement safewords and visual codes, in order to clearly communicate your limits and the type of interactions you are considering, and to better understand the limits and expectations of others.

* The characters sheets are not for everyone to read, they do contain some secrets that no one will be aware of, but a brief description of each one is already provided on this site so that you can tell us which ones interest you and on the contrary those want to avoid.

* For the management of possible scenes of violence or related to sexuality, meta simulation techniques will be proposed.

  • You prefer not to have sensual or sexual interactions at all.
  • You agree on the fact that the characters might have a sexual encounter, but without using the proposed simulation technique and therefore without physical contact at all.

The same goes for violent scenes.

You will be free to change your mind at any time.

* On Friday evening, various workshops will be organized to create a group dynamic that will encourage listening to others. The ones considering to use them will also practice these meta techniques.


Before you register, know that, although this LARP’s intent is to be immersive, it’s structure and plot twists will necessitate you to make some decisions for your character (as said above, the success or failure of the Cure is part of these decisions) .

If playing from time to time in a meta way poses a problem (for example: if you are aware of something but your character isn’t, which means that they must act as if nothing had happened), this LARP will not suit you.

This is not a transparent scenario, but if you prefer to know exactly what is going to happen and how, or if you think it would be easier for you to play in transparency, I can reveal the spoilers individually. You will just be asked to keep this information to yourself.

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